Weed is Too Expensive to Give Out to Your Children on Free Candy Night

Happy Halloween!

As I get ready to make treat bags, I would just like to make an announcement: no one is putting edibles in your kids trick or treat bag.

With weed being legal in many states and edibles being readily available, I understand why now if all times people would worry about laced candy and treats. However, that’s too expensive, and for what?

In Tennessee, it’s still not legal, but CBD is on the rise as a holistic health treatment for various alignments. I have started using CBD for my eczema, and it’s honestly the first thing in years that has helped me. One of the ways I buy CBD is in edible form, and let me tell you that’s entirely to expensive to be giving out willy nilly.

If you are too worried about what you find in your children’s treat bags, take them trick or treating in a better community. Let’s stop the crazy, viral, fake posts about what parents are finding in their kid’s candy, and think about how many people have approximately $2 a peach ring to give out by the handful when it would be a million times easier to buy one $15 bag of candy.

Stakes Raised for Harcek’s Inter-class Exercises

Dr. Todd Harcek announced today that a “mistake” was made during the construction of his Lie-A-Palooza inter-class competition scheduled for this Friday, October 22.

The event will be held in the Gooch Hall auditorium from 7-9:30 p.m. students have the opportunity to earn prizes for high scores during the event, not just a grade. Prizes range from a pizza party, absence forgiveness, and extra credit points.

“It reads ‘percentages’ and not ‘points,’” Harcek said. “I take full responsibility. I should have proof-read the material a little bit closer.”

Harcek noted that he was unsure whether this was a technical issue, human error, or an intentional act by a foreign power to undermine the integrity of the U.S. educational system. “We’re still investigating what transpired. My students are resilient. I am sure they have already given this important project their full attention and will be resilient as always.”

When asked how students may respond to such a possible difference in their grades, Harcek was quiescent.

“I mean, obviously a few points here and there don’t make much difference so, why would we go to all of this trouble for just a few points? I would think the smart students recognized the errors.”

Harcek looks forward to seeing his students at the event, leaving a quote, “It will be good to see some of them I don’t see as often as I should.”

Students should have their teams submitted to Harcek by 3 p.m.

Best and Worst 2021 Met Gala Looks

I would like to start off by saying that I have no qualifications to be judging outfits that cost more than my car on celebrities that make more money in a month than I will ever make in my life, but I don’t care and I will judge them anyway. After all, money can’t buy taste. I also do not recognize some of these people I have featured, and I did not research them to avoid bias. 

The theme for the 2021 Met Gala is American Fashion. This theme leaves a lot open to interpretation. I am judging each outfit one a few things: how appropriate the style is for a black tie event, the consideration of the theme, and the overall look. 

My interpretation for the theme does not focus on the fashion, but on the American aspect. To me, American fashion could be culturally inspired from western culture, indigenous culture, or patriotic. 

With that out of the way, possibly my favorite look was Quannah Chasinghorse. She was beautifully on theme, drawing on indigenous culture. The overall look is great for a themed gala. This doesn’t look like a costume or too casual, very elegant overall. I am in LOVE with the colors.

I absolutely love a matching outfit, but I think Helen Lasichanh and Pharrell Williams missed the mark on this one. It was on theme, but not quite what I would expect at a black tie event. I love the western look overall, but I wish it was a bit more formal.

Hailee Steinfeld looked so glamorous in this outfit. I really feel like the theme was considered, but I can’t figure out how.

Kehlani looked incredible in this trendy suit. I do think this was themed because of the Space Race, while I wouldn’t have thought of this I think it’s neat. She wears this very well and I do think it’s appropriate for the event.

Hunter Schafer is also very spacey, but I do not like it. I think the outfit is unflattering and looks very cheap like a halloween costume.

I have nothing to say about Laura Harrier. Her dress is pretty basic. Joseph Altuzarra, however, did stray from the normal men’s attire often seen at the Met Gala. The look is pretty basic and I don’t really think it fits the theme, I am just proud it’s not a plain tux.

Kid Cudi definitely went all out compared to many other attendees. Do I like this? Not in the slightest. I do think this is on theme though. I can’t quite put my finger on why, but this feels very American to me.

Michael Kors put zero effort into this, so I will put zero effort into considering his outfit. Regina King however did but in some effort. I really don’t know what to say about her look. I just looked at it so long I think I had to include it. Not on theme, not even that cute, but it fits her very well even if it’s not that great looking.

This dress on Margaret Qualley looks very Little House on the Prairie to me, so it’s on theme. It’s a very cute dress, but entirely too casual for a gala. 

This is honestly what I was expecting. No doubt the theme was in mind while planning this outfit and for a themed gala, the look is perfect on Rosalía. 

No fabric is more American than denim. This silhouette is really pretty too. However, this is still a bust. This outfit is honestly not appropriate for any sort of event, sorry CL.

Lili Reinhart looks so cute in this pink dress. I believe I saw somewhere that these flowers are actually the state flowers for each state, if that is true this is perfectly on theme. This is actually one of my favorite looks. 

Kate Hudson missed the memo about the theme. I included this because it’s still really cute and on trend. I love the feathers in this look.

I don’t love the feathers in this look. This was a bust for sure. Anja Rubik not only disregarded the theme, but also didn’t look gala worthy at all.

Venus Williams also doesn’t seem to have taken the theme into consideration, but she does look fabulous. This classy look is great for a black tie event and it is very flattering on her. 

Hamish Bowles (middle) did choose a very basic color scheme but I appreciate the way that he did incorporate the theme into his look. Emily Blunt (right) seems to have put the same amount of effort into her look. It’s very classy and subtly incorporates the theme. 

Kacey Musgraves disappointed me. I am familiar with her and I know she could do so much better. This was very low effort. I don’t see a theme and I also don’t see that she is remotely close to black tie attire either. 

Jennifer Lopez nailed this look. Do I love this outfit? No, but she looks so good in it. It is on theme, very western inspired, but it’s also somehow glamorous. JLo knocked it out of the park.

Denim makes this look on theme. I actually think this is ugly, but it’s because of the denim. Looking past the denim because it’s on theme, this dress is really pretty. The shape of it is so glamorous, I hope Lupita Nyong’o got this dress made in silk, too.

I appreciate when the guys have fun with the theme too. It’s not that hard and Tyler Mitchell proves it with this simple, but themed suit. 

This vintage dress on Imaan Hammam is so perfect. I like to think this is themed, but in a subtle way. 

I like to give credit where credit is due and say that Pete Davidson did not wear a boring tux. He wore a boring dress and a suit jacket.

Let me be clear, I don’t like this dress. I know I am not alone in this because I have seen Ciara on a worst dressed list. However, this football inspired dress is on theme. Much like the denim dress on Lupita, I like the shape and I hope Ciara considers this style dress in different fabrics. 

Megan Fox probably didn’t consider the theme when picking an outfit for the night, but this looks so good on her I don’t really care. 

Chloe and Halle Bailey also look so fabulous that I don’t really care that they aren’t on theme.

I am in love with this outfit on Maluma. The theme is present and the outfit looks very nice. I love this color on him and I think the jewelry dresses this up enough to be worn at a theme gala. 

On the other end of the spectrum, while on theme, this look on Megan Raponoe is honestly a little tacky. The bare minimum was done and a plain black suit would’ve been better.

Anok Yai looks out of this world in this celestial getup. I can see a subtle theme here and this is definitely black tie worthy. This dress is gorgeous on her.

While not on theme but still fabulous, Ayesha and Stephen Curry coordinated in this gala worthy getup. I love the look on both of them. Did I mention they match?

Nikkie de Jager looked fantastic in this historically inspired gown. I love the color and symbolism behind this look.

Karlie Kloss and Wes Gordon look fantastic. Did you know that the rose is the national flower? I really hope this was the inspiration behind their outfits. If so, on theme and perfect.

This look on Debby Harry is definitely on theme, but I don’t like it. I think this looks tacky and thrown together at the last second. Honestly, I can’t even picture this concept as being cute in any way. 

This looks so 70s cool to me! This is on theme enough for me and its very nice on Ben Platt. However, I do think that it’s a little casual for the Met Gala.

Kim Petras knew what she was doing when she decided to wear this monstrosity. It’s on theme, but it’s entirely too much for an event like this. 

Iman looks radiant in this outfit. I don’t see how this fits the theme, but regardless this showstopping outfit is another one of my favorites. 

Cordae Dunston and Naomi Osaka tried and missed. I do not think there is one good quality about either outfit. 

Lil Nas X showed up and showed out. He wasn’t on theme, but he was so fabulous it didn’t matter.

Finally, Rebecca Hall also looks very Little House on the Prairie but make it edgy. I am not a fan.

All images sourced from Vogue.com.