Post-Halloween Sniffles

Author: Shyanne Sheffield

Halloween has passed, sickness has arrived!

Students are finally experiencing the Fall allergies. This usually happens right after Halloween since many of them are outside all night with little to nothing on. Everywhere, students are dealing with runny noses, sneezing, and sore throats.

It is hard to adjust to the cold. Many students, including myself, will try to wear shorts until the weather drops in the 50’s. We are in a period where you could walk to class and see one girl in shorts and a tank-top and another girl in Ugg boots and a beanie.

To stay ahead of the sniffles, follow these steps:

  1. Get your Vitamin C in.
  2. Dress WARM.
  3. Start wearing jackets instead of sweatshirts.
  4. Last but not least, don’t stay out partying half-naked all night on Halloween (:


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